September 25, 2023 by Yoshi Ramanujam

Finding your crystal

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"Where should I get my crystals?" "How do I pick a crystal?"

Here are my reponses to questions I frequently receive about crystals


The short answer

If you see a crystal and you are drawn (like a magnet) towards it, then that crystal is compatible with your energy.
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If you go any local shop, you can choose the crystal by how it looks or by how it feels energetically. However, there are lots online options as well, such as


The long answer

Things to consider:
  • 1. Tumbled vs. raw
  • 2. Are you wanting a crystal to help with various issues?
  • 3. Ethically sourced?
  • 4. Fake vs real crystals
  • 5. Reiki / energetically infused?
  • 6. Silver vs gold chains for jewelry
How To:
  • 7. How to choose your crystal when you are able to be with the crystals in person
  • 8. How to cleanse your crystals
  • 9. Local
  • 10. Online


1. Tumbled or raw crystal (polished or rough)?

Some people say that raw crystals carry more energy as they are in their original form, more or less. However, I side with those who say it doesn’t matter if they are polished or raw. They both have the same atomic make-up and vibrate at the same energy despite their outward appearance. If there is a difference, it would be negligible.

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2. Crystal help with a specific issue?

Different crystals hold different vibrational energy. It might be fun to get a book or do online searches about the different metaphysical properties of crystals. I wouldn’t trust just one source. Read from a variety of sources and see what feels right to you about the descriptions of the crystals. And see what information commonly overlaps. The more you handle and research crystals, the more you will become familiar with its specific qualities.

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3. Are the crystals ethically sourced?

Crystals carry energy from the earth, and as they are mined and handled from its place of origin to you. If the crystal is mined using child labor and/or low wage workers, your crystal may carry some negative energy from its journey. If you’re in a crystal shop, does the shop owner or workers know where the crystals come from? If you’re online, does it say anything about ethically sourced crystals? Expect to pay more for ehtically sourced crystals.

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4. How do I know if my crystal is fake or real?

Unless you are a crystal expert, this may be hard to distinguish. Though there are certain tests that you can do yourself, you can ask a crystal expert, and/or you can only shop at respected shops. Many people avoid buying crystals from Amazon because the quality varies greatly. If I need to buy online, I tend to look at the shops on Etsy and read up on their bio and credentials (see #10 for more info). The only time I’ve been disappointed on Etsy is when I bought a huge lot of various stones in bulk and most of the “quartz crystals” felt like glass stones - super lightweight, and no “energy vibes” when holding the crystal (see #7 for more info).

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5. Crystals infused with reiki energy

Yes, this is possible. Some sellers sell crystals that have been cleansed and infused with reiki energy. If you have a favorite crystal that you’d like infused with reiki energy, you may bring it to your next reiki session and leave it with me for a day or two (or wait in the waiting room for 15-20 mins), and I will cleanse and infuse it with reiki. I can even program a crystal (within certain parameters) if you’d like to enhance a particular quality of the crystal. ($30 service fee).

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6. Silver vs gold

I’ve heard various things about silver conducting energies of crystals well and gold blocking the flow of the inset gemstone. However, I say you experiment with this. Do you feel a difference when you’re touching the gemstone directly vs having a barrier of gold between (ie. wearing a ring/necklace)? FYI, gold and silver in themselves have their own beneficial energies.

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7. How to choose your crystal (in person)

You can hold a crystal in your hand and see how your energy responds to it. First, ground yourself - feel your feet planted on the floor, your weight is shifted towards the bottom of half of your body (hips to feet), so you’re not off in la la land - you are connected to the earth. You can hold the crystal in one hand and then the other, or overlap your hands and place the crystal in the palm of your hands. As you tune into the crystal, how do you feel? Do you feel pulled to one side, do you feel lighter, heavier, do any chakras respond to the crystal?

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A bit more advanced, is if you know about using body pendulums or swinging pendulums, to test for compatibility. And/or if you want to check to see if it’s good for a particular chakra, you may hold it in front of that chakra and see how your body responds. Does it lean into the crystal or does your body push away from the crystal (very subtle energetic push)? Each crystal has a general make-up and then its own individual way of expressing that quality. Experiment and see! The more you experiment, the better you’ll get at it. If possible, it’s a great idea to go crystal shopping with someone who knows about crystals and can guide you through the process.

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8. Recommended ways to cleanse your crystals

When the crystals are out in the open, it responds to its environment. If it’s in a high traffic area, or a highly used crystal, you’ll want to cleanse it regularly. If you wear crystals, you’ll want to cleanse them about once a week. Every night is sometimes convenient if you take them off while you sleep. You can cleanse multiple crystals at once.

  • Water is a popular way of cleansing crystals, simply placing them under a running faucet of water. A river or stream would be ideal, but tap water is also fine. Place crystals “face down” if they are clusters. Pat them with a towel afterwards. However, you must first make sure that your crystal is not water soluble or is sensitive to water in any way.

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  • Selenite is a convenient way to cleanse your crystals. Simply place the crystals on a selenite plate for 6-8 hours minimum, and allow the high vibration of selenite to cleanse your crystals. Selenite never needs to be cleansed, but it is a good idea to let it “rest” without crystals on it once in a while. Some cleanse their crystals by placing them with quartz, just remember to cleanse your quartz regularly.

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  • Moonlight is a gentle way to cleanse the crystals. Putting them out during a full moon can recharge your crystals. Just make sure it won’t rain (water may affect some crystals). Sunlight can also cleanse crystals, but be weary as too much sunlight, especially direct sunlight, can be too intense and actually drain and/or fade the energy of crystals such as rose quartz and amethyst.

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  • Smudging. You can burn some sage/incense/palo santo/etc (using appropriate safety precautions and a well ventilated area). Allow the smoke to pass around the crystals.

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  • Singing bowl / tuning fork. You may ring a tuning fork, singing bowl, etc. around the crystal and allow the vibrations to cleanse the crystal. There are supposedly some frequencies that are recommended for cleansing crystals, but if you already have a sound bowl, try using that first.

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  • Meditation and breath. Another cleansing ritual is to meditate with the crystal(s). Set an intention of cleansing the crystals, place them in your hand, and allow yourself to drop into a deep and peaceful state, passing on this cleansing, “zen” state to the crystals. When you are finished meditating, or simply a practice on its own, you may set the intention of cleansing the crystals by blowing on them. Again, most effective when you are in a grounded, meditative state.

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  • Deep cleansing. Sometimes your crystals have worked so hard, and you’ve tried some of the above methods, but your crystal remains dull and lackluster. It may be time for a deep cleaning:

  • Bury them in the ground for 3 months. Don’t forget to mark the spot! Dig it up after 3 months and see if its energy has been restored. If not, put it back in the earth and check again after 3 months.

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  • Put them in salt. This can be done short term for a light cleansing (hours or overnight). Or for a deeper clean, put your crystal in salt for a month, and then check on it. If your crystals are sensitive to salt, separate the crystal from the salt in a glass container. I’ve also heard about putting the crystal in a ziplock bag. Throw out the salt after use, do not use for consumption.

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Take a before and after energy snapshot! It’s rewarding when you take a moment to check in with the crystals before you cleanse them and then after you cleanse them. They should look and feel more “vibrant’ and free!

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Local and online recommendations

I am not endorsed by any of the following companies.

9. I enjoy visiting:
  • Universal Connections (Willow Glen, San Jose, CA) - cute small store with a wonderful variety of crystals. Has a lot of jewelry as well.
  • East West Bookstore (Mountain View, San Jose, CA) - bigger shop with an impressive crystal display - lots of metaphysical supplies, though small-ish crystal collection for sale.
  • Kristal Cove Shop (Sausalito, CA) - another cute shop filled to the brim with various crystals. Knowledgeable staff, and a huge variety of tumbled stones.
  • The Rock Shop (Vacaville, CA) - The biggest rock and mineral store in the world. Sometimes they have great sales. Wonderful if you just want to go, walk around, and experience a large variety of crystals. Bring a jacket, it’s a bit chilly.
  • Fairs: I enjoy walking by the crystal displays and chatting with the owner about crystals which stood out for me. Simply saying hi and asking a few questions will give you a basic idea about how much they care for their crystals and their attitude towards them.

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10. Online:
  • Search for “ethically sourced crystals” and you’ll get several shops. Read their bios and check out their selection. Sometimes the crystals are randomly picked, sometimes they are intuitively picked, and sometimes they take detailed photos and you get to choose a specific crystal. Check their return policy before you purchase in case you are not happy with the crystal you receive.
  • Crystal Counsil and Happy Soul. Just stumbled upon their websites! I haven’t tried it out yet, but it looks great. Ethically sourced and sustainable jewelry, pendants, and stand alone crystals.
  • Moonrise Crystals (can also be found on If you’re looking for high quality pocket-sized ethical stones, Julie is passionate about her crystals and ethical sourcing, and will work with you if you have any questions or concerns. My highest quality stones have come from her - it’s easy to tell the difference between crystals from her store and my other crystals.
  • Do you have a favorite rock shop? Let me know! Email Yoshi @

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“Just as crystals are formed under intense pressure,
our spiritual growth often requires us to face and transform our challenges.”
- Eric Clapton

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*Crystals are not a subsitue for medication or medical care. Please see your doctor or physician as needed.

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